Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Post 3: Data Downloading, Interoperability, and Working with Projections in Python

Goals and Objectives: 

The goals of this exercise were set to familiarize students with various web sources which can be used to obtain and download data for mapping. Through the completion of this exercise, students will demonstrate their ability to locate and download data from various web sources, import the data into ArcGIS, use Pyscripter to project and clip the data within the program, and finally, build a geodatabase for the purposes of storing the data.  

General Methods: 

Data was collected by download from a total of five web sources, including:

The US Department of Transportation- Bureau of Transportation Statistics 
The US Geological Survey's National Geospatial Program- The National Map 
The US Department of Agriculture- Geospatial Data Gateway
The US Department of Agriculture- Web Soil Survey: 
& The Trempealeau County Land Records Department

Once the files were obtained, it was easy to unzip them and begin building the Trempealeau County geodatabase in ArcCatalog. A designated folder was created for each of the data sources and filed appropriately in the exercise folder. These files would be accessed for clipping to the county outline later within Pyscripter (for more on this, please refer to "Blog Post 2: Using Python Script"). Put together, the data contained a total of three raster images for the county. These, plus an additional reference vector county outline containing recreation trails, are pictured in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Trempealeau County Data Downloads

Data Accuracy: 


Department of Transportation



Data Gateway

Web Soil Survey

County Land Records


1:24 - 1:100






Effective Resolution


1 arc second

(~30 m)

1/3 arc second

(~10 m)


400 DPI


Minimum Mapping Unit


5 pixels





Planimetric Coordinate





10% or .01inches



Federal Railroad Administration

USGS National Landcover Database 2006-2011 

amended in 2014



amended in 2014

Cropland Data Layer

Collected By:


U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

"Soil Survey: Trempealeau County"

Metadata imported,

 Dataset copied

Temporal Accuracy







Attribute Accuracy




10-20 / 85

Tested via manual comparison 


Table 1: Determining Data Accuracy


From the Data Accuracy table pictured above, one is able to make judgments about whether or not the data is reliable for use after assessing the data's temporal and attribute accuracy, as well as it's lineage. The temporal accuracy will denote as to whether or not the information was collected at a date reasonable enough for current use. Attribute accuracy determines whether or not the information displayed in the attributes or symbology is true to that of the real world. Finally, the lineage provides information as to the source of the data. All of these must be taken into account to first determine if a data set is credible enough for use.

The next question to ask is whether or not the data set is able to be used for the desired mapping variable. This can be determined based on the scale, effective resolution, and minimum mapping unit of the data set. The scale of the data must be set to a reasonable level for the focal area. Based on the scale, the minimum mapping unit will determine the smallest size data that can visually be plotted on the map. For example, the USGS National Landcover Database reported in its metadata to have a minimum mapping unit of five pixels, anything below this amount would not be able to be effectively visualized on the map. Finally, the effective resolution determines how clearly and accurately the data will be visualized on the map.

Post 2: Using Python

# Name:        Exercise 5
# Purpose:     To clip raster images to the Trempealeau County boundary for future use.
# Author:      Kiersten Bauer
# Created:     08/03/2017


#import system modules and Spatial Analyst
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
#Check out the Spatial Analyst extension (must be available to check out!)

#set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace =
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
print "{}".format(env.workspace)

#get a list of rasters in the workspace
listOfRasters = arcpy.ListRasters()
print "{}".format(listOfRasters)

#loop through the rasters in the loop
for raster in listOfRasters:
    #define the outputs
    rasterOut = '{}_Out.tif'.format(raster)
    rasterExtract = '{}_Extract.tif'.format(raster)

    #project the rasters
    arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(raster,                    rasterOut, "Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.337.001.2175\BAUERKIE\Labs\Exercises\Ex5\DatasetRastS\TrempWebDATA.gdb\Boundaries\County_Boundary")

    #Extract the rasters and copy the raster into the geodatabase
    outExtractByMask =  ExtractByMask(rasterOut, 'Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.337.001.2175\BAUERKIE\Labs\Exercises\Ex5\DatasetRastS\TrempWebDATA.gdb\Boundaries\County_Boundary')
       arcpy.RasterToGeodatabase_conversion(rasterExtract, 'Q:\StudentCoursework\CHupy\GEOG.337.001.2175\BAUERKIE\Labs\Exercises\Ex5\DatasetRastS\TrempWebDATA.gdb')
    print "Raster to Geodatabase conversion {} sucessful".format(rasterExtract)

print "The script is complete"

Friday, March 3, 2017

Post 1: Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin Overview

Sand frac mining is the process of excavating sand particulates of a specific quality, then using the sand to produce fractures in rock formations, and ultimately, allow the petroleum industry to easily access and extract the natural gases and crude oil found within the rock. Wisconsin is a hotspot for the sand frac mining industry since the resource exists in abundance, is of high quality, and is located near to the surface. The location of these sand frac mines are largely dependent on the geological structure of the area. In Wisconsin, the mines follow the geologic sandstone formations located predominantly in the West-Central region of the state. Additionally, mines can also be found in Burnett, Waupaca, Green Lake and Columbia Counties.

The state of Wisconsin has been subject to sand mining for over a century, with frac sand mining introduced approximately 40 years ago. Over the course of the last decade, however, the overall number of sand frac mines has increased exponentially due to an increase in the demand for oil. Paired with its growth, the industry has also received a significant amount of backlash due to the long list of potential hazards that it poses to both the environment and residents living nearby. Some of these issues include:

  • ·         The release of dust and pollutants to spoil the air quality
  • ·         Well contamination due to sinking water tables
  • ·         Threats to Fisheries
  • ·         Decreased property values  

And particularly for the active industrial regions within Wisconsin:

  • ·         The loss of wetlands, their values and functions

GIS can be used to further explore some of these issues by layering the locations of these mines with variables that are subject to these hazards (such as wetland areas), and analyzing the spatial patterns and attributes which may demonstrate the impact of these mine on the surrounding environment.


“Frac Sand in Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 2012. http://wcwrpc.org/frac-sand-factsheet.pdf

“Silica Sand Mining in Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, January 2012. http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Mines/documents/SilicaSandMiningFinal.pdf

Sally Younger, “Sand Rush: Fracking Boom Spurs Rush on Wisconsin Silica,” National Geographic, July 2013. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2013/07/130703-wisconsin-fracking-sand-rush/